Color therapy for animals

Can color affect your animal companion? The answer is yes! Here’s how color therapy can help improve the well-being of your cat or dog.

Perhaps you’ve noticed that certain colors just lift your spirits and put you in a great mood while others leave you feeling tranquil and calm. There’s good reason for this. Scientific data confirms that each color found in the visible light spectrum has its own measurable wavelength and vibrational frequency. This means, for instance, that the color blue is vibrating at a different frequency, or energy level, than the color red.

While we often tend to think about color in superficial ways, in reality its healing power can work much more subliminally. Particular vibrations of color can be used to treat various conditions by promoting healing and balance in areas that our bodies (or those of our animal companions) are lacking, including issues on physical, emotional, mental or spiritual levels.

The affect of color

Color therapy (also known as chromatherapy) is an ancient form of healing which has its roots in India (Ayurvedic Medicine), Egypt, and China. To fully understand how color therapy works and the level that it works on, it’s important to have a general understanding of the human/ animal energy field.

In addition to our visible physical bodies, we are each made up of energetic bodies, including the aura (or subtle bodies), chakras, and meridians. Universal life force energy enters our field through the subtle bodies and works its way through them to the chakras. From there it travels along the meridians and makes its way into the nervous, endocrine and circulatory systems and then on to the cells, tissues and organs of the body. When our energy fields are clear of blockages, imbalances and negative influences, this process runs smoothly and good health is maintained. However, negative issues, even those that are emotional in nature, can interfere with this flow. Vibrational therapies such as color can help to restore the balance in this system.

You can administer color to animals in a variety of ways. Use colored decor such as fabrics for bedding and blankets, select specific colors for halters and collars, bathe your animal in lights from a color-filtered light source or solarize the drinking water. To use color via light, simply place a colored light (or regular light with a theatrical color gel or transparency over it) in an area of the house or stall with a comfy place for the animal to rest. Allow the animal to gravitate to the area on his or her own. An animal’s instincts will naturally guide him towards what his body needs. It is very important to make sure your companion is not subjected to this treatment in a crate, cage or small stall where he or she cannot move away from it. Your animal will intuitively know if and when he or she has had enough. To solarize drinking water, simply surround a glass container of water with an appropriately colored theatrical gel and leave it in the sunlight for a number of hours. Then serve this water to your animal companion in their dish or water bucket.

In my healing practice, I recommend color for conditions that are both physical and emotional. The color blue, for instance, helped ease the pain of an elderly dog with bad hips and arthritis when he was in his final days. The colors red and orange were more appropriate for a top performing show dog who was required to compete during a false pregnancy. Her physical condition left her feeling very lethargic and definitely not interested in putting her best foot forward, but red and orange create a more vital and self-confident energy. Another frequently used favorite of mine is the color violet, which helps lift depression, a condition that, due to many factors, is more prevalent than we realize.

In general, color therapists use cool colored lights such as blue, green and violet to treat heated conditions such as inflammation or ulcers, and warm colored lights, including red, orange and yellow on cool conditions such as poor circulation.

By being conscious of what colors we place in our animal companions’ surroundings, we can definitely influence their energy fields in a positive way. For those of you with an energetic puppy or kitten, you might want to think twice before redecorating your dining room in red…green anyone?

Please Note: Color therapy is never a replacement for good veterinary care.

How to use color

The following is a partial list of colors and their healing properties on psychological levels:


  • Vitality, courage, self confidence
  • Use for a timid animal or when your companion animal is facing a particularly demanding day and needs extra energy


  • Happiness, confidence, enthusiasm
  • Use to bring joy to your animal companion, and to help him be more independent, self assured and social


  • Mental ability, versatility, playfulness
  • Use when concentration is needed or to promote playfulness and flexibility in rigid animals


  • Balance, love, calmness
  • Use to help relax your animal companion and bring about a feeling of peace, harmony and unconditional love


  • Health, knowledge, relaxation
  • Use to help pacify nervous and hyperactive animal companions, especially those who fret or appear to ruminate


  • Sedative, calming, intuition
  • Use to enhance telepathic communication with your animal companion, also to calm and sedate him and clear away anger


  • Soothing, inspiration, creativity
  • Use to give inspiration to an animal during training or difficult tasks, to promote soothing calm, and to dispel depression


Lynn McKenzie’s greatest passion is helping others attune to the magic, insight and wisdom that all sentient beings wish to share with humanity. Training more than 100,000 students in 52+ countries over the past 30 years, through her signature Animal Energy® Certification Training program, Lynn has built a stellar global reputation, helping others identify, foster and embody their animal communication and healing gifts. Lynn offers a free webinar at